Open Doors FREE Community Concert
Wednesday, August 21 (rain date August 22), from 5:30 – 7:15 p.m.
Featuring The Soundwaves. All ages and family friendly. Bring blankets and lawn chairs. BYOB – no glass. Pinkney Park has a “carry in, carry out” trash policy. Food from Ringside Grill Gourmet Food Truck. Free parking available at the Old School Field (Witch Lane and Rowayton Ave.). Sponsored by Rowayton Seafood. Sound provided by Brendan’s 101. Presented by Open Doors. For 40 years, Open Doors has been a resource for people dealing with poverty and homelessness in the greater Norwalk area. With the support of our community, we help our neighbors on the path to housing stability. Learn more at https://bit.ly/3WtyHQO.
Pinkney Park. (177 Rowayton Ave.)